Up to 1,000 possible user codes (4-8 digits) Output: Form C relay, 1A@30VDC max. Output can be programmed to activate for up to 99,999 seconds (nearly 28 hours) Up to 50 (01~50) possible temporary visitor codes, which can be programmed for onetime or limited-time use (1~99 hours) Durable and attractive stainless-steel faceplate Programmable delayed egress input lets users exit the premises without keying in the code EEPROM Memory protects programmed information in case of power loss 12~24 VDC/VAC Auto-adjusting operation Tamper output: N.C. Dry contact, 50mA@24VDC max. Mounts to a standard single-gang back box (surface-mount back box included) Programmable wrong-code lockout Real-time clock to auto-disable access at specific times All features are programmed directly from the keypad: No need for an external programmer