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8 A 24VDC ADA EXPANDER amp. 2 - Class A or 4 - Class
Item #:AL802ULADA
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- 2-wire horn/strobe Sync mode allows audible notification appliances (horns) to be silenced while visual notification appliances (strobes) continue to operate.
- Sync protocols include Potter/Amseco, Faraday, Gentex®, System Sensor®, and CooperWheelock®.
- Temporal Code 3, Steady Mode, Input to Output Follower Mode (maintains synchronization of notification appliances circuit).
- Compatible with 12VDC or 24VDC fire panels.
- Output loop supervision steered to input 1 or input 2.
- Signal circuit trouble memory (helps identify intermittent loop problems).
- Common trouble input and output.
- Ground fault detection.
- Unit includes power supply, red enclosure, cam lock, and battery leads.
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8 A 24VDC ADA EXPANDER amp. 2 - Class A or 4 - Class
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